
Showing posts from August, 2017


Today marks a day of new beginnings! If you've been here before you may have noticed some changes, primarily everything is missing! This used to be 'BBrave BBeautiful', a beauty review blog curated by yours truly.  In my first attempt to blog I tried to have a primary focus around something I "loved" which was beauty through self confidence, an idea that was quickly overtaken by content which was not true to myself or my mission. Fast forward to now and I have revamped the blog and I have a much simpler task, to share my unique human experience of being me, Brittney, and figuring out how I can relate to others in their own unique experience.  Ok, maybe that is not a 'simple' task but I think that it is a mission which is more true to my soul.  I enjoy many things in this life but above all else I love connecting with others, in a plethora of ways. I imagine there will be a lot of talk about mountains, grad school, 'zero waste' living, and self